
点击量:发布时间:2019-06-05 11:25:12文章来源:未知
The European Collection of Authenticated Cell Cultures (ECACC) is one of four Culture Collections of Public Health England. We supply authenticated and quality controlled cell lines, nucleic acids and induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs).
ECACC was established in 1985 as a cell culture collection to service the research community and provide an International Depository Authority recognised patent depository for Europe.
Over the last 30 years ECACC has expanded and diversified to become one of the premier collections of authenticated cell cultures in the world and this remains the core of ECACC’s business. The collections currently hold cell lines representing 45 different species, 50 tissue types, 300 HLA types, 450 monoclonal antibodies and at least 800 genetic disorders.
The development and maintenance of such a diverse collection has inevitably produced a high level of specialist knowledge and this, combined with the support of Public Health England, has enabled ECACC to position itself as a centre of expertise in all aspects of cell culture.
我们的基因座-21个位点:D19S433、D5S818、D21S11、D18S51、D6S1043、Amelogenin、D3S1358、D13S317、D7S820、D16S539、CSF1PO、PentaD、D2S441、vWA、D8S1179、TPOX、Penta E、TH01、D12S391、D2S1338、FGA。
ECACC was established in 1985 as a cell culture collection to service the research community and provide an International Depository Authority recognised patent depository for Europe.
Over the last 30 years ECACC has expanded and diversified to become one of the premier collections of authenticated cell cultures in the world and this remains the core of ECACC’s business. The collections currently hold cell lines representing 45 different species, 50 tissue types, 300 HLA types, 450 monoclonal antibodies and at least 800 genetic disorders.
The development and maintenance of such a diverse collection has inevitably produced a high level of specialist knowledge and this, combined with the support of Public Health England, has enabled ECACC to position itself as a centre of expertise in all aspects of cell culture.
我们的基因座-21个位点:D19S433、D5S818、D21S11、D18S51、D6S1043、Amelogenin、D3S1358、D13S317、D7S820、D16S539、CSF1PO、PentaD、D2S441、vWA、D8S1179、TPOX、Penta E、TH01、D12S391、D2S1338、FGA。